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Thank you for your inquiry. Our agreements with our Seller(s) require that we obtain a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and Prospective Buyer Profile (3 Total Pages) before disclosing any potentially sensitive data (e.g. business name, address, etc.) related to a confidential business or property sale or lease. Kindly phone 310.652.8353 should any questions arise, or should all 3 pages not be completed for any reason.

>> Click here to find out why an NDA and Prospective Buyer Profile is required.

1. a. I understand that information provided by The Veld Group (TVG) on any Sellers business or landlords property is valuable, sensitive and confidential, and that disclosure of the name of the businesses, and/or any data pertaining to its current or historical financials, lease or other operational details may damage the business as well as TVGs fiduciary responsibility to the Seller.
  b. I agree to not disclose any such details with any person who has not also signed this agreement for a period of twenty-four (24) months. If I do so, I agree to obtain their consent to abide by the terms of this agreement for the same time period and I acknowledge that I may be liable for damage resulting from my or their actions with respect to this entire agreement. "Information" shall include the fact that the business / property is for sale or lease or any details of the business or sale; it does not include data which is generally available to the public or is already in my possession.
2.   I agree that neither I nor anyone acting on my behalf will contact the Seller, its employees, suppliers, customers, landlord, or parties with whom Seller has a contractual relationship except through TVG. All correspondence, inquiries, offers to purchase and negotiations relating to the purchase or lease of any opportunity or its premises presented by TVG will be conducted via TVG.
3.   I understand that all information pertaining to the business is provided by the Seller and is not verified in any way by TVG. TVG makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of such information. Prior to finalizing an agreement to purchase a business or property it is my responsibility to make an independent verification of all pertinent facts. I agree to indemnify and hold TVG harmless from any claims or damages resulting from such information or errors or omissions relating to a sale or lease. Further, I understand that TVG does not provide tax, accounting, consulting, or legal advice.
4.   I acknowledge that TVG represents and is solely contracted by the Seller for its services and has a right to earn a commission in accordance with its Seller Agreement. I will not interfere with or attempt to circumvent TVGs contract with the Seller and I understand that such interference could result in legal recourse against me directly from Seller or TVG for payment of Brokerage fees. I also understand that a breach of confidentiality could result in legal recourse directly against me.

Buyer Profile


Our agreement with our Sellers require that we pre-screen prospective buyers. Kindly fill out as much of the following two pages as you are comfortable with to the best of your ability. The amount of data required may vary depending upon our Seller’s specifications, and/or the requirements we set forth; at a minimum you will seek to indicate ability to potentially acquire the opportunity inquired on.

It is to a Prospective Buyer’s greatest advantage to be as comprehensive as possible as we often contact qualified Buyers with new listings that meet their criteria. We estimate that 20% - 30% of our businesses never hit the open market as they are sold via this mechanism. This means that Buyers who are reluctant to share pertinent data will likely miss out on many of the best opportunities.

We assure you that financial information is kept strictly confidential, and is not shared with Sellers or any other parties. For assistance in filling out any portion of this form, you may phone 310.652.8353.

Section A: Personal Profile

Section B: Investment Criteria

Section C: Financial Qualification Indication 

Please provide approximate balances on each of the following items to the best of your ability and comfort level. It is not necessary to fill out entire form or provide account data, however, at a minimum you will need to indicate sufficient funds for a full price offer for us to share any confidential sale details.

Section D: Other Notes / Comments Kindly provide any additional details that you would like to share. If any pertinent data on this form has been omitted, please indicate your ability to purchase in general terms, or the reason for data omission. Indication that pertinent information will be provided 'at a later date' will not allow us to assist you.

All of the information stated herein is a true and correct representation of my personal / corporate profile, capital available, financial / credit condition, and investment criteria. While any details of my financial ability will remain confidential, I realize that my general background may be shared with a Seller. I further understand that this agreement does not constitute any form of an agency relationship with TVG.

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