The Veld Group has been the victim of a well known internet site that appears to prey’s upon companies who are leaders in their respective industries (G.E. Capital, American Airlines, Best Buy, etc.) or firm’s that otherwise may be harmed by disparaging allegations. The site does so by allowing anyone (dissatisfied client, disgruntled employee, malicious competitor) to post anything they seek to post on the site without verifying the identity of the party making a claim or the claim’s legitimacy. In our case, false complaints were filed not by our clients, but rather, apparently by buyers who simply were not able to perform per in accordance with their contracts, or were otherwise not able to ‘get their way’ with our clients (business sellers).
When we informed The Ripoff Report of the falsity of the allegations, they responded by “offering” to assist us in clearing our name and repairing our reputation. Of course, they sought $9,000 to do so, followed by $3,600 in 36 monthly ‘reputation monitoring’ installments of $100 each (see their attached proposals).

Rather than rewarding this site for its highly questionable business practices, we chose to simply provide you all of the information necessary to make an informed decision and decide the legitimacy of the site or the claims contained to discourage any similarly false reports we are also actively pursuing legal remedy for business liable against the parties responsible for the filings. We also invite you to contact us to candidly discuss how and why we protected our clients in the manner we did in each case. We are certain that you will find our entire firm to be that we are 100% transparent – a policy that has led us to achieve the very success that has made us a target to others.